Paolo Trucco
Paolo Trucco is Full Professor of Industrial Risk Management with the School of Management, Politecnico di Milano (Italy), where he is also Director of the Centre for Risk and Resilience Management of Complex Systems, and member of the Scientific Board of the Centre for Technology Foresight. His research and professional activities range from Supply Chain Risk Management and Resilience, Circular Economy and sustainability transitions in capital intensive industries, to capital project risks in the context of Climate Change and Energy Transition. He is advisor of DG Home Affairs (EC) on Critical Infrastructure and Key Resource Supply Chain Resilience, and member of the Observatory for Circular Economy and Energy Transition of the Lombardy Region Government. He is Polimi representative at ERMA (European Raw Materials Alliance - EIT RawMaterials). He is member of the board of ANIMP (The Italian Association of Industrial Plant Engineering). He is author of more than 290 scientific publications and is hosted as commentator on TV and journals on industrial strategy and management topics.